Saturday, October 1, 2011

Jana: Magic Mango Bread

With "Mango Month" winding down, I wanted to squeeze one more recipe in. Rob had requested our favorite chicken/apple/spinach salad after he and Thomas rode bikes yesterday, so I needed to find something other than a main dish.

After dinner Rob joked, "What's for dessert?" (We don't usually do dessert in this house!) I was quick to reply, "Would you like some Magic Mango Bread?" (How can you resist a recipe called "Magic Mango Bread?") I made it earlier in the afternoon, and it was a perfect after-dinner treat.

I decided to half the recipe, given the logistics of only having one loaf pan here at the apartment. The result was a little dry and crumbly--I'm guessing something got a little off in the conversion. But the boys devoured it, going back for seconds, and then having a slice this morning for breakfast.

DID YOU KNOW? My sifter is also stored in a cabinet back in Georgia, so I had to research another way to sift the flour. Turns out that you can also use a whisk to stir and aerate it.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I had to re-read one of those sentences. I thought you said "my SISTER is stored in a cabinet". Crazy! I thought of you last night as I enjoyed mango shrimp at a great little Mexican restaurant in Athens, TX!
